Friday, January 27, 2012

csv file import / export in rails 3

by Sandip Ransing 0 comments

CSV (comma separated values) files are frequently used to import/export data.
In rails 3, FasterCSV comes as default and below is the way to upload csv files inside rails applications. The code below will also show you how to generate csv in memory, parse on csv data, skip header, iterate over records, save records inside db, export upload error file and many more.
First, View to upload file
= form_tag upload_url, :multipart => true do %label{:for => "file"} File to Upload = file_field_tag "file" = submit_tag Assume upload_url maps to import action of customers controller
Controller code
class CustomersController < ApplicationController [...] def import if && params[:file].present? infile = params[:file].read n, errs = 0, [] CSV.parse(infile) do |row| n += 1 # SKIP: header i.e. first row OR blank row next if n == 1 or row.join.blank? # build_from_csv method will map customer attributes & # build new customer record customer = Customer.build_from_csv(row) # Save upon valid # otherwise collect error records to export if customer.valid? else errs << row end end # Export Error file for later upload upon correction if errs.any? errFile ="errors_#{'%d%b%y')}.csv" errs.insert(0, Customer.csv_header) errCSV = CSV.generate do |csv| errs.each {|row| csv << row} end send_data errCSV, :type => 'text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present', :disposition => "attachment; filename=#{errFile}.csv" else flash[:notice] = I18n.t('customer.import.success') redirect_to import_url #GET end end end [...] end Customer model
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base scope :active, where(:active => true) scope :latest, order('created_at desc') def self.csv_header "First Name,Last Name,Email,Phone,Mobile, Address, FAX, City".split(',') end def self.build_from_csv(row) # find existing customer from email or create new cust = find_or_initialize_by_email(row[2]) cust.attributes ={:first_name => row[0], :last_name => row[1], :email => row[3], :phone => row[4], :mobile => row[5], :address => row[6], :fax => row[7], :city => row[8]} return cust end def to_csv [first_name, last_name, email, phone, mobile, address, fax, city] end end
Export customer records in CSV format
Below code loads customer records from database then generate csv_data inside memory and exports data to browser using send_data method.
Note: As we are not writing on file system hence code can easily work heroku. def export # CRITERIA : to select customer records #=> custs = Customer.limit(10) filename ="customers_#{'%d%b%y')}" csv_data = FasterCSV.generate do |csv| csv << Customer.csv_header custs.each do |c| csv << c.to_csv end end send_data csv_data, :type => 'text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present', :disposition => "attachment; filename=#{filename}.csv" end

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About The Author

Sandip is a ruby on rails developer based in pune and also a blogger at funonrails. Opensource contributor and working with Josh software Private Limited. for more info read Follow Sandip on Twitter for updates.

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