b previous word
w next word
e end of word
0/^ begining of line
$ end of line
G end of file
1G/gg begining of file
/pattern search next
?pattern search previous
n repeat search forword ( i.e next occurence )
N repeat search backword
:line goto line specified
i insert mode
r replace mode
s delete character under cursor and eneter insert mode
x delete character under cursor
dd delete current line
line dd delete number of lines specified
yy copy current line
pp print copied contents
line yy copy number of lines specified
v enter visual mode
aw highlight word
as highlight sentence
ap highlight paragraph
ab highlight block
u undo
cntrl+r redo
cntrl+x enter completion mode
cntrl+p display autocomplete options
guu lowercase line
gUU uppercase line
*******Regx replace****
range s/foo/bar/arg - replace foo with bar in ‘range’ with
Values of 'range':
% whole file
number that particular line
none apply to current line only
values of 'arg':
none apply to first occurrence
g global (all occurrences)
qchar start recording macro storing it in register ‘char’
q end recording
@char replay the macro stored in ‘char’
:1,10 norm! @char run the macro stored in ‘char’ over the 1-10 line range