Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Solution to DelayedJob(DJ) gem server start problem

by Sandip Ransing 0 comments

Solution to DelayedJob(DJ) gem server start problem
I had installed delayed_job gem 2.0.3, daemons gem but after staring DJ server it shows daemon started but actually process gets killed automatically.
I performed steps given by Kevin on google group and it worked like charm
Here are the steps:

1) sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
2) sudo gem install alexvollmer-daemon-spawn
3) Move the old daemons delayed job script out of the way -> mv script/delayed_job script/delayed_job.daemons
4) Make this your new script/delayed_job: http://gist.github.com/104314

Try it out again making sure it writes to the tmp/pids directory ok.
My line looks like this:
RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job start
then to check (besides running 'ps'), you can run this:
RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job status

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Sandip is a ruby on rails developer based in pune and also a blogger at funonrails. Opensource contributor and working with Josh software Private Limited. for more info read Follow Sandip on Twitter for updates.

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