While looking for accessing rails template tags to be accessed on rails console in order to examine whatever written needs to be correct, found that - rails template tags can be tested on rails console using helper object
rails c
>> helper.text_field_tag :name, 'sandip'
=> "<input id="name" name="name" type="text" value="sandip" />"
>> helper.link_to 'my blog', 'http://funonrails.com'
=> "<a href=''http://funonrails.com>my blog</a>"
>> helper.display_amount(2000)
=> "$2,000"
isn't cool ? though it's not finished yet. we can include helper files on console and access custom helper methods too
>> include ActionView::Helpers
=> Object
>> include ApplicationHelper
=> Object
>> include ActionView::Helpers::ApplicationHelper^C
>> display_amount 2500
=> "$2,500"
Using same way one can make use helpers in rake tasks file. Make sure environment is getting loaded into rake task.
rails c
>> app.root_url
=> "http://www.example.com/"
>> app.change_password_path
=> "/change/password"
>> app.change_password_url
=> "http://www.example.com/change/password"
Now you may have got requirement to access routes inside rake tasks. Here is the way to do that-
Attention: This is my preferred way to use helpers and routes when needed and there may have other choices to do same. Anyone having better approach please feel free to add your valuable comment. I will definitely incorporate that in further developments.
Got Easy, Cheers ;)
module ApplicationHelper
def display_amount(amount)
number_to_currency amount, :precision => 0
Helpers on rails console
# lib/tasks/helper_task.rake
namespace :helper do
desc 'Access helper methods in rake tasks'
task :test => :environment do
include ActionView::Helpers
include ApplicationHelper
puts display_amount 2500 #=> "$2,500"
Accessing helpers in Action Mailers
class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
def greet(user)
subject "Hello #{user.name}"
from 'no-reply@example.com'
recipients user.email
sent_on Time.now
@user = user
# app/views/notifier/greet.html.erb
Hi <%= @user.try(:name)%>,
Greetings !!!
You have got <%= display_amount(3000) %>
Rails routes on rails console
# lib/tasks/route_test.rake
namespace :routes do
desc 'Access helper methods in rake tasks'
task :test => :environment do
include ActionController::UrlWriter
default_url_options[:host] = "myroutes.check"
puts root_url #=> "http://myroutes.check"
Optionally you can set value of host parameter from action mailer host configuration using
default_url_options[:host] = ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:hos]
Attention: This is my preferred way to use helpers and routes when needed and there may have other choices to do same. Anyone having better approach please feel free to add your valuable comment. I will definitely incorporate that in further developments.
Got Easy, Cheers ;)