Paypal standard website payment service allows online payment transactions for websites.
Before implementing payments inside rails app needs to have following things in place-
1. Register Paypal sandbox account
2. Paypal Merchant account api credentials i.e. login, password, signature, application_id
3. Paypal Buyer account creds to test payments
Bundle Install
# Gemfile gem 'activemerchantGateway config
# config/gateway.yml development: &development mode: test login: password: '1311235050' signature: ACxcVrB3mFChvPIe8aDWQlLhAPN46oPBQCj7rJWPza6CDZmBURg. application_id: APP-76y884485P519543T production: <<: *development test: <<: *developmentNew Payment Form
= form_for @payment ||=, :url => pay_bill_url, :html => {:id => :payForm} do |p| = p.text_field :amount = p.submit 'Pay'Generate & Migrate Payment Model
rails g model payment status:string amount:float transaction_number:string rake db:migratePayment Model
# app/models/payment.rb class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base PROCESSING, FAILED, SUCCESS = 1, 2, 3 validates :amount, :presence => true, :numericality => { :greater_than => 0 } def self.conf @@gateway_conf ||= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config/gateway.yml').to_s)[Rails.env] end ## Paypal def setup_purchase(options) gateway.setup_purchase(amount * 100, options) end def redirect_url_for(token) gateway.redirect_url_for(token) end def purchase(options={}) self.status = PROCESSING #:ip => request.remote_ip, #:payer_id => params[:payer_id], #:token => params[:token] response = gateway.purchase(amt, options) if response.success? self.transaction_num = response.params['transaction_id'] self.status = SUCCESS else self.status = FAILED end return self rescue Exception => e self.status = FAILED return self end private def gateway ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = auth['mode'].to_sym :login => auth['login'], :password => auth['password'], :signature => auth['signature']) end def auth self.class.conf end endBilling routes
## Callback URL match '/billing/paypal/:id/confirm', :to => 'billing#paypal', :as => :confirm_paypal ## Create payment match '/billing', :to => 'billing#create', :as => :pay_bill ## Request URL match '/billing/paypal/:id', :to => 'billing#checkout', :as => :billing match '/billing/thank_you/:id', :to => 'billing#checkout', :as => :billing_thank_youBilling Controller
# app/controllers/billing_controller.rb class BillingController < ApplicationController before_filter :get_payment, :only => [:checkout, :paypal, :thank_you] def create @payment = params[:payment] if ## Paypal Checkout page redirect_to billing_url else render :action => :new end end # ASSUMPTION # payment is valid i.e. amount is entered def checkout response = @payment.setup_purchase(:return_url => confirm_paypal_url(@payment), :cancel_return_url => root_url) redirect_to @payment.redirect_url_for(response.token) end ## CALL BACK def paypal @payment = @payment.purchase(:token => params[:token], :payer_id => params[:PayerID], :ip => request.remote_ip) redirect_to thank_you_billing_url(@order) end private def get_payment @payment = Payment.find_by_id(params[:id]) @payment && @payment.valid? || invalid_url end endViews
# app/views/billing/thank_you.html.haml - if @payment.success? %p The transaction is successfully completed - else %p The transaction failed