by sandipransing
1.Install geokit gem
gem install geokit
# Add following line inside rails initialize block do |config|
config.gem 'geokit'
And then run command
rake gems:install
2. Consider User model with zipcode as attribute field
include Geokit::Geocoders
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name :users
validate_presence_of :zipcode
validate :request_zipcode_validation_using_geokit, :if => :zipcode
def request_zipcode_validation_using_geokit
# Method request google api for location
# if location found then zipcode is valid otherwise
# add validation error on zipcode field
# as it method contacts with google api and takes time
# to return result, poll request only when zipcode gets
# changed
poll = true # default true for new objects
if ## this means already existing user and zipcode is valid last time
# Hack to find where zipcode got modified or not
# old_user = User.find
poll = false if old_user.zipcode == self.zipcode
# Actual requesting api to return location associated with zipcode
if poll
loc = MultiGeocoder.geocode(self.zip_code)
# Add Validation Error if location is not found
errors.add(:zip_code, "Unable to geocode your location from zipcode entered.") unless loc.success
Please note that same method can also be used to validate state, city and country.
Again we can use combination of fields to validate each other.
Like -
1. Based on country entered, state validation
2. Based on state, city validation
3. Based on city, zipcode validation
4. Based on zipcode and country, state and city validation
Here is another method to validate state and city based on zipcode and country.
Lets take example of 'US'
def request_state_and_city_validation_based_on_zipcode
poll = true # default true for new objects
if ## this means already existing user and all attributes were valid last time
# Hack to find any one of location attribute got modified
# old_user = User.find
loc_attrs = %w{zipcode state city} # keep in mind country US is default assumed
if loc_attrs.all? {|attr| self.attribute_for_inspect(attr) == old_user.attribute_for_inspect(attr)}
self.poll = false
# Actual requesting api to return location associated with zipcode
if poll
loc = MultiGeocoder.geocode("#{self.zip_code}, US")
# Add Validation Error if location is not found
unless loc.success
errors.add(:zip_code, "Unable to geocode your location from zipcode entered.")
# Validate state and city fields in compare to loc object returned by geocode
errors.add(:state, "State doesn't matches with zipcode entered") if self.state != loc.state
errors.add(:city, "City doesn't matches with zipcode entered") if !=
If you are subscriber of blog and not displaying post correctly. I request you to visit post on
blog itself. Somehow style is not getting correctly in email. I will try to fix this problem asap.
Upcoming Posts
1. Geokit finders: Find locations in/within/beyond particular radius from specified location using acts_as_mappable plugin
2. Customizing authlogic for multiple sessions i.e. using different models for role based authentication.
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by sandipransing
1. Add following line to rails environment file
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
2. Include your email authentication
Create a ruby file called smtp_settings under config/initializers directory
# config/initializers/smtp_settings.rb
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => "",
:port => 587,
:authentication => :plain,
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:user_name => "",
:password => "_my_gmail_password_"
noTE** Keep starttls_auto always true
3. Create sample mailer in order to ensure that your settings are correct
Create a sample mailer
class EmailMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def test_email
from ''
to ''
subject "This is test email"
message "It should get delivered to recipient inbox"
4. Test your configuration
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by sandipransing
1. Add ActionMailer configuration in environment.
This configuration can be different for development and production.
# Include your application configuration below
# You can set two configurations sendmail as well as smtp
# To use SMTP you need to provide your email account credentials
# Sendmail is a unix package that needs to be installed and configured while
# using sendmail settings
# Chances of getting emails into recipient's inbox are 100% for smtp settings
# whereas sendmail needs some other configurations to be done before using.
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.default_content_type = "text/html"
2. Create Mailer Model and add method to deliver email
class EmailMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def email_with_attachments(email, files=[])
# content type also can be set in environment file as
# ActionMailer::Base.default_content_type = "text/html"
@headers = {content_type => 'text/html'}
@sent_on =
@recipients = email.recipients
@from = email.from
@subject = email.subject
@body = email.message
# attach files
files.each do |file|
attachment "application/octet-stream" do |a|
a.body =
a.filename = file.original_filename
end unless file.blank?
3. Email Model
# This is the virtual model in rails which has no database table associated with it
class Email < ActiveRecord::Base
# It uses has_no_table plugin to create virtual model
# This can also be done using following lines of code
# def self.columns() @columns ||= []; end
# def self.column(name, sql_type = nil, default = nil, null = true)
# columns <<, default, sql_type.to_s, null)
# end
#insert the names of the form fields here
column :from, :string
column :recipients, :string
column :subject, :string
column :message, :text
column :call_id, :integer
attr_accessor :is_subscribed
#Validations goes here
validates_presence_of :from, :message => "You dont have Email ID, you cannot continue!", :unless => "call_id.blank?"
validates_format_of :from, :with => /^([^@]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i, :unless => "from.blank?"
validates_presence_of :recipients
validates_format_of :recipients, :with => /^([^@]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i, :message => "Invalid email format", :unless => "recipients.blank?"
validates_presence_of :subject, :message
4. Usage from console or controller
# Here email is the valid object of email model
# attachments is the area of files to be attached with email
# In my case attachments are of kind of pdf files
# you can specify type of attachment in your mailer method
EmailMailer.deliver_email_with_attachements(email, attachments) if email.valid?
Sending data stream as email attachments in rails.
In some cases, We need to dynamically generate files and you don't want to store them locally on file system instead you always like to email them from memory itself.
Here is the way to do that.
1. Mailer data stream as attachment method
class EmailMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def email_with_data_stream(email, data_stream=[])
@headers = {}
@sent_on =
@recipients = email.recipients
@from = email.from
@subject = email.subject
@body = email.message
# attach files
data_stream.each do |data|
attachment "application/octet-stream" do |a|
a.body = data[0]
a.filename = data[1]
end unless data_stream.blank?
2. Lets take example of pdf renderer.
# Assume we have object of pdf
attachements = []
data = pdf.render
# Attach as many files you wanted. Be careful about email maximum size ;)
attachments << data
EmailMailer.deliver_email_with_data_stream(email, attachments)
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by sandipransing
There are almost 4 to 5 simple steps you need to followed before
getting multiple sites working using radiant cms
1. Setup radiant cms
first Install radiant gem
sudo gem install radiant
set 'radiant' under path
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-0.8.0/bin
Now, we have done with radiant installation.
Let's create new project..
$ radiant multisite -d mysql
$ cd multisite/
Edit database.yml
$ vi config/database.yml
adapter: mysql
database: multisite_development
username: root
password: abcd
host: localhost
rake db:create
Run the database bootstrap rake task:
rake db:bootstrap
This task will destroy any data in the database. Are you sure you want
to continue? [yn] yes
Create the admin user (press enter for defaults).
Name (Administrator): admin
Username (admin): admin
Password (radiant):
Select a database template:
1. Empty
2. Roasters (a coffee-themed blog or brochure)
3. Simple Blog
4. Styled Blog
[1-4]: 2
Now we are ready to start
Open following URL in browser.
You should see site homepage. To manage site goto admin panel.
Now Lets start with multiple sites management
1) Clone multi_site extension into vendor/extensions of your project.
cd vendor/extensions/
git clone git:// multi_site
2) Run the extension migrations.
rake db:migrate:extensions
3) Run the extension update task.
rake radiant:extensions:multi_site:update
4) Restart your server
And we are done with multisite installation, Open following URL in browser.
Add multiple sites as you wanted
Name Domain pattern Base domain name
site 1 sandip sandip
site 2 gautam gautam
Don't forget to make dns entries in /etc/hosts.
vi /etc/hosts localhost
... sandip gautam
One more, by deault pages created for new sites added are not published.
Please be sure to make them published and modify contents to identify them
Now you can view different sites.
Thats, All
Cheers !
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by sandipransing
Wrong English is an often problem while developing any website product as
it gives bad view to website user and thus does direct impact on product.
BOSSMan is a ruby gem that interacts with yahoo web service and provides a
simplest way to overcome such errors.
gem sources -a
gem install jpignata-bossman
Apply and get Application ID from yahoo developer network
Make sure to note it for reference
Usage in ruby app
require 'rubygems'
require 'bossman'
include BOSSMan
BOSSMan.application_id = "Your Application ID here"
Spelling Suggestions
text = BOSSMan::Search.spelling("gooogle")
=> #{"resultset_spell"=>[{"suggestion"=>"google"}], "responsecode"=>"200", "deephits"=>"1", "start"=>"0", "count"=>"1", "totalhits"=>"1"}}>
=> "google"
More sophisticated way of use -
1. Create a YML file containing list of kewords
2. Load YML file
3. Iterate YML hash to find out spell suggestions
Example: spelling.yml
1 keywords:
2 gooogle:
3 Barack Oabama:
4 Indian:
5 Latuur:
keywords = YAML.load_file('spelling.yml')['keywords'].keys
puts "Correction suggested"
keywords.each do |keyword|
text = BOSSMan::Search.spelling(keyword)
if defined? text.suggestion
puts "#{keyword} => #{text.suggestion}"
Correction suggested
gooogle => google
Barack Oabama => Barack Obama
Latuur => Latour
Analyze suggestions manually and make neccesary corrections..
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by sandipransing
Building PDF Document in ruby & rails application using prawn Library
Before getting started with this tutorial, I would like to thanks Greg and Prawn team for their awesome work towards ruby and rails community.
Installing prawn (core, layout, format, security)
gem install prawn
Add following line in rails environment file inside initializer block.
config.gem 'prawn'
Optionally you can specify version to be used and then run task
rake gems:install
Generating pdf using rails console
pdf =
It creates new pdf document object. Here you can additionally pass options parameters such as - => [11.32, 8.49], :page_layout => :portrait) Here A0 is page size. => :portrait,
:left_margin =>, # different
:right_margin =>, # units
:top_margin =>, # work
:bottom_margin => 0.01.m, # well
:page_size => 'A4')
pdf.text("Prawn Rocks")
=> 12
=> #
Here is output file generated [ click]
Now let's go through other goodness of prawn.
pdf ='A3') do
- FONTS [click]
# Specify font to be used or specify path to font file.
font "times.ttf"
- TEXT [click]
text 'Sandip Ransing', :size => 41, :position => :center, :style => :bold
- STROKE LINE [click]
stroke do
rectangle [300,300], 100, 200
- IMAGE [click]
Display Local file system Image
image 'sandip.png', :height => 50, :position => :center, :border => 2
Scale Image
image 'sandip.png', :scale => 0.5, :position => :left
Display Remote image from Internet inside pdf
require "open-uri"
image open('")
- TABLE/GRID [click]
data = [
["Name", {:text => 'Sandip Ransing', :font_style => :bold, :colspan => 4 }],
["Address", {:text => 'SHIVAJINAGAR, PUNE 411005', :colspan => 4 }],
["Landmark",{:text => 'NEAR FC COLLEGE', :colspan => 4 }],
["Mobile","9860648108", {:text => "", :colspan => 3 }],
["Education", {:text => "Bachelor in Computer Engineering", :colspan => 4 }],
["Vehicle", 'Hero Honda',"Reg. No.", {:text => "MH 12 EN 921", :colspan => 3 }],
["Additional", "GDCA", "class", 'First', ""],
[{:text => "Areas of Speciality", :font_style => :bold}, {:text => "Ruby, Rails, Radiant, Asterisk, Adhearsion, Geokit, Prawn, ....,...", :font_style => :bold, :colspan => 4}],
[{:text => "Website", :colspan => 2},{:text => "", :colspan => 3}],
[{:text => "Company", :colspan => 2},{:text => "Josh Software", :colspan => 3}]
table data,
:border_style => :grid, #:underline_header
:font_size => 10,
:horizontal_padding => 6,
:vertical_padding => 3,
:border_width => 0.7,
:column_widths => { 0 => 130, 1 => 100, 2 => 100, 3 => 100, 4 => 80 },
:position => :left,
:align => { 0 => :left, 1 => :right, 2 => :left, 3 => :right, 4 => :right }
- LINKS [click]
link_annotation([200, 200, 500, 40],:Border => [0,0,1], :A => { :Type => :Action, :S => :URI, :URI =>"") } )
link_annotation(([0, 100, 100, 150]), :Border => [0,0,1], :Dest => s"")
- PDF Security [click]
encrypt_document :user_password => 'hello', :owner_password => 'railer',
:permissions => { :print_document => false }
- Prawn Inline Formatting
Prawn-format supports inline text formatting that gives user enough flexibility to use html tags.
require 'prawn/format'
text 'This is Strong text', :inline_format => true
text 'This is bold text \n It should be on newline.', :inline_format => true
pdf.render_file 'my.pdf'
!!! NOTE: As of time now 'prawn-format' is incompatible with latest prawn gem, It is compatible with prawn version <= 0.6 s
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