Wrong English is an often problem while developing any website product as
it gives bad view to website user and thus does direct impact on product.
BOSSMan is a ruby gem that interacts with yahoo web service and provides a
simplest way to overcome such errors.
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
gem install jpignata-bossman
Apply and get Application ID from yahoo developer network
URl https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/
Make sure to note it for reference
Usage in ruby app
require 'rubygems'
require 'bossman'
include BOSSMan
BOSSMan.application_id = "Your Application ID here"
Spelling Suggestions
text = BOSSMan::Search.spelling("gooogle")
=> #{"resultset_spell"=>[{"suggestion"=>"google"}], "responsecode"=>"200", "deephits"=>"1", "start"=>"0", "count"=>"1", "totalhits"=>"1"}}>
=> "google"
More sophisticated way of use -
1. Create a YML file containing list of kewords
2. Load YML file
3. Iterate YML hash to find out spell suggestions
Example: spelling.yml
1 keywords:
2 gooogle:
3 Barack Oabama:
4 Indian:
5 Latuur:
keywords = YAML.load_file('spelling.yml')['keywords'].keys
puts "Correction suggested"
keywords.each do |keyword|
text = BOSSMan::Search.spelling(keyword)
if defined? text.suggestion
puts "#{keyword} => #{text.suggestion}"
Correction suggested
gooogle => google
Barack Oabama => Barack Obama
Latuur => Latour
Analyze suggestions manually and make neccesary corrections..