Sunday, August 1, 2010

PDF in rails using prawn library

by Sandip Ransing 0 comments

Building PDF Document in ruby & rails application using prawn Library
Before getting started with this tutorial, I would like to thanks Greg and
Prawn team
for their awesome work towards ruby and rails community.
Installing prawn (core, layout, format, security)
gem install prawn or
Add following line in rails environment file inside initializer block. config.gem 'prawn' Optionally you can specify version to be used and then run task rake gems:install Generating pdf using rails console ./script/console pdf = It creates new pdf document object. Here you can additionally pass options parameters such as - => [11.32, 8.49], :page_layout => :portrait) Here A0 is page size. => :portrait, :left_margin =>, # different :right_margin =>, # units :top_margin =>, # work :bottom_margin => 0.01.m, # well :page_size => 'A4') pdf.text("Prawn Rocks") => 12 pdf.render_file('prawn.pdf') => # Here is output file generated [click]
Now let's go through other goodness of prawn. pdf ='A3') do

  1. FONTS [click]
  2. # Specify font to be used or specify path to font file. font "times.ttf" font("/times.ttf")
  3. TEXT [click]
  4. text 'Sandip Ransing', :size => 41, :position => :center, :style => :bold
  5. STROKE LINE [click]
  6. stroke do rectangle [300,300], 100, 200 end
  7. IMAGE [click]
  8. Display Local file system Image image 'sandip.png', :height => 50, :position => :center, :border => 2 Scale Image image 'sandip.png', :scale => 0.5, :position => :left Display Remote image from Internet inside pdf require "open-uri" image open('") end
  10. movedown(20)
  11. TABLE/GRID [click]
  12. data = [ ["Name", {:text => 'Sandip Ransing', :font_style => :bold, :colspan => 4 }], ["Address", {:text => 'SHIVAJINAGAR, PUNE 411005', :colspan => 4 }], ["Landmark",{:text => 'NEAR FC COLLEGE', :colspan => 4 }], ["Mobile","9860648108", {:text => "", :colspan => 3 }], ["Education", {:text => "Bachelor in Computer Engineering", :colspan => 4 }], ["Vehicle", 'Hero Honda',"Reg. No.", {:text => "MH 12 EN 921", :colspan => 3 }], ["Additional", "GDCA", "class", 'First', ""], [{:text => "Areas of Speciality", :font_style => :bold}, {:text => "Ruby, Rails, Radiant, Asterisk, Adhearsion, Geokit, Prawn, ....,...", :font_style => :bold, :colspan => 4}], [{:text => "Website", :colspan => 2},{:text => "", :colspan => 3}], [{:text => "Company", :colspan => 2},{:text => "Josh Software", :colspan => 3}] ] table data, :border_style => :grid, #:underline_header :font_size => 10, :horizontal_padding => 6, :vertical_padding => 3, :border_width => 0.7, :column_widths => { 0 => 130, 1 => 100, 2 => 100, 3 => 100, 4 => 80 }, :position => :left, :align => { 0 => :left, 1 => :right, 2 => :left, 3 => :right, 4 => :right }
  13. LINKS [click]
  14. link_annotation([200, 200, 500, 40],:Border => [0,0,1], :A => { :Type => :Action, :S => :URI, :URI =>"") } ) link_annotation(([0, 100, 100, 150]), :Border => [0,0,1], :Dest => s"")
  15. PDF Security [click]
  16. encrypt_document :user_password => 'hello', :owner_password => 'railer', :permissions => { :print_document => false }
  17. Prawn Inline Formatting
  18. Prawn-format supports inline text formatting that gives user enough flexibility to use html tags. require 'prawn/format' text 'This is Strong text', :inline_format => true text 'This is bold text \n It should be on newline.', :inline_format => true
SAVE PDF File end pdf.render_file 'my.pdf' !!! NOTE: As of time now 'prawn-format' is incompatible with latest prawn gem, It is compatible with prawn version <= 0.6 s

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About The Author

Sandip is a ruby on rails developer based in pune and also a blogger at funonrails. Opensource contributor and working with Josh software Private Limited. for more info read Follow Sandip on Twitter for updates.

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