Tuesday, January 31, 2012

puts, to_s and inspect on ruby object

by Sandip Ransing 0 comments

`puts` converts ruby object into string by invoking to_s method on object. The default to_s prints the object's class and an encoding of the object id. In order to print human readable form of object use inspect
locs = Location.find_by_sql('select * from locations') Location Load (0.5ms) select * from locations Puts Object internally invokes to_s method on object to print locs.each do |l| # it calls to_s method on object puts l end #<Location:0x000000055bb328> #<Location:0x000000055bb058>
puts object followed by subsequent invoke of inspect method outputs readable object locs.each do |l| puts l.inspect # prints actual object end #<Location id: 15, name: "Annettaside3", street: "71838 Ritchie Cape", city: "East Destanystad", state: "Utah", zip: "58054", phone: 123456, other_phone: 987654, staff_strength: 40, is_active: true, created_at: "2012-01-25 11:17:26", updated_at: "2012-01-25 11:17:26", country_name: "Korea"> #<Location id: 16, name: "Sporerbury4", street: "73057 Jerad Shoal", city: "South Kyliefurt", state: "Delaware", zip: "46553-3376", phone: 123456, other_phone: 987654, staff_strength: 40, is_active: true, created_at: "2012-01-25 11:24:48", updated_at: "2012-01-25 11:24:48", country_name: "Australia">

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Sandip is a ruby on rails developer based in pune and also a blogger at funonrails. Opensource contributor and working with Josh software Private Limited. for more info read Follow Sandip on Twitter for updates.

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