Tuesday, January 17, 2012

twitter-bootstrap form builder for rails

by Sandip Ransing 0 comments

twitter-bootstrap is pluggable css suit provided by twitter.
To know more about how to get started on it click here
Below post will help you out in getting started bootstrap css with rails app. One need to add below files to helpers directory. MainForm can be used as base version of form builder and can be overriden for its subsequent use inside other custom form builders.
1. MainForm
# app/helpers/main_form.rb class MainForm < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder # NestedForm::Builder CSS = { :label => 'label-control', :hint => 'hint', :hint_ptr => 'hint-pointer', :error => 'help-inline', :field_error => 'error', :main_class => 'clearfix' } FIELDS = %w(radio_button check_box text_field text_area password_field select file_field collection_select email_field date_select) def main_class(error=nil) return CSS[:main_class] unless error [CSS[:main_class], CSS[:field_error]].join(' ') end def required(name) object.class.validators_on(name).map(&:class).include?(ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator) rescue nil end def cancel(options={}) link = options.fetch(:return, "/") @template.content_tag(:a, "Cancel", :href => link, :class => "btn_form button np_cancel_btn #{options[:class]}") end def submit(value="Save", options={}) options[:class] = "send_form_btn #{options[:class]}" super end def label_class {:class => CSS[:label]} end def label_tag(attribute, arg) # Incase its a mandatory field, the '*' is added to the field. txt = arg[:label] && arg[:label].to_s || attribute.to_s.titleize txt<< '*' if(arg[:required] || required(attribute)) && arg[:required] != false label(attribute, txt, label_class) end def error_tag(method_name, attribute) errs = field_error(method_name, attribute) @template.content_tag(:span, errs.first, :class => CSS[:error]) if errs.present? end def field_error(method_name, attribute) return if @object && @object.errors.blank? return @object.errors[attribute] if method_name != 'file_field' @object.errors["#{attribute.to_s}_file_name"] | @object.errors["#{attribute.to_s}_file_size"] | @object.errors["#{attribute.to_s}_content_type"] end def hint_tag(txt) hintPtr = @template.content_tag(:span, '', :class => CSS[:hint_ptr]) hintT = @template.content_tag(:span, txt + hintPtr, {:class => CSS[:hint]}, false) end def spinner_tag @template.image_tag('spinner.gif', :class => :spinner,:id => :spinner) end end ZeroForm is custom form builder which is inherited from main_form and its going to be actually used inside forms. Feel free to make custom form related changes inside this
cat app/helpers/zero_form.rb class ZeroForm < MainForm # Overridden label_class here as we dont need class to be applied def label_class {} end def self.create_tagged_field(method_name) define_method(method_name) do |attribute, *args| arg = args.last && args.last.is_a?(Hash) && args.last || {} # Bypass form-builder and do your own custom stuff! return super(attribute, *args) if arg[:skip] && args.last.delete(:skip) errT = error_tag(method_name, attribute) labelT = label_tag(attribute, arg) mainT = super(attribute, *args) baseT = @template.content_tag(:div, mainT + errT) hintT = hint_tag(arg[:hint]) if arg[:hint] spinnerT = spinner_tag if arg[:spinner] allT = labelT + baseT + spinnerT + hintT @template.content_tag(:div, allT, :class => main_class(errT)) end end FIELDS.each do |name| create_tagged_field(name) end end
In order to use Nested Forms you need to extend MainForm with NestedForm Builder
Integrate NestedForm with FormBuilder class MainForm < NestedForm::Builder end View Form
= form_for @address ||= Address.new, :builder => ZeroForm do |f| = f.text_field :street_address = f.text_area :detail_address, :rows => 2 = f.text_field :city = f.select :state, %w(US IN AUS UK UKRAINE) = f.submit 'Save & Continue', :class => 'btn primary' = link_to 'Skip »', '#'
To know more on twitter-bootstrap pagination in rails click here

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About The Author

Sandip is a ruby on rails developer based in pune and also a blogger at funonrails. Opensource contributor and working with Josh software Private Limited. for more info read Follow Sandip on Twitter for updates.

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